Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wish I was Meaner...

Well, yeah I jst said it. I sometimes do wish I was a meaner person - maybe a bit more shrewd in a tactful way... I dnt quite know how to put it!

Its become a desirable quality than something to be frowned upon, and I feel the absence of it... in every step. I acknowledge some people being pro at it, every time I try - guilt keeps me awake at night - is it just me or has the world become insensitive? How is it that some ppl can get away with making you feel like shit, when it wasn't even something you were at fault about? And when you come out of it without "belittling" yourself or "stooping" down - are u the "better" man or the sore loser?

Sometimes, I wish I could be mean - in my head, I can - I mean, everyone has their gray sides, but as the door unlocks, meek takes over, words get stuck and at the end of a face off- I am just dumbstruck - saying in my head, did u just say that B****H? But that's it- I cant come out with it - if I count as many things against, where and how wud we be any different? But, do we need to be or presume to be, just coz we walk away? Are we nt the idiots to let somebody get away with it?? Yes. but then I am not mean and avengeful...

I do however wish I was... just a lil...against some ppl... pleassssse!

Monday, February 21, 2011

1 year... too lil...too long!

And the pages on the calendar turned, candles were being blown, age compliments turning into jokes... young sport stars and celebrities on the television forcing you to take a look at yourself saying - WTF, am 26... what have I done so far? This everyday life that I live... wat am I seeking - Fame, money, adventure, survival?

And yet, the question remains after you've answered it once or twice.. comes back to haunt you when you look back in perspective... as I do today... 1 year since I last wrote...wat have I achieved?

A beautiful relationship that's about balance, a successful start to my parent's career, 4 holidays and a new job...dats a lot.. but the question remains...wat do I seek- and whenever I think about it, I worry! Like really, heating up my head - till a point I have assumed and presumed everything that can possibly happen - good or bad, usually the bad - and then I resign myself to wat tomorrow brings.

I think we worry till the time we need something, are to do something, create something, abort something - but once that is done - its not that we are in peace...we find something new to worry... and the cycle continues! We never really cease...and if even for a while, we do - we worry as to how life has nothing new for us to worry about- its just the natural course of humanly survival - changes with your status in society!

A poor man worries about his family's survival and the 2 square meals he needs, a student worries about the exams, a college kid worries about the job, a salaried worries about the next increase, a TL thinks of his next promotion, a manager thinks abt moving up the ladder, a CEO thinks abt retaining his position, a celebrity thinks abt the years he is gonna fade away as everyone has before him, a politician on how much money he can stash before the next elections - and you give them this - they will find a new worry!

And as a year passes, some of our worries see a result, some continue to be a struggle, but as long as we are alive and human... there is no way to escape, no place to hide!

Sunday, March 21, 2010



Wats important…today or tomorrow? Present or future? The past is gone…there’s no question of its importance…as in its relevance…its unchangeable,and it’ll remain that way – but what we can control is present and the future. Or wait a minute…how the future…when future comes, it’ll be today again…so, its only today…the today that is….that in effect becomes my past…and my future….my today. Then why do we leave the today out to fend for the future…things we cant do today…things we can’t enjoy today…the life we can’t have today…coz there’ll be a tomorrow.
Its not those things that we can’t afford….things we don’t own…its these things we hold, but wait.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ramble Day 1

So...my first post...and i am writing this with MNIK playing in the background. Even listening to it is a lil annoying fr sum reason!

So wat is this about...its abt writing everyay - a habit that I have forgotten. Wat else have i forgotten doing lately...lets see:

1. Dancing

2. sewing

3. block printing

4. cross stitch

5. knitting

6. reading...

so now...reading some Tagore...4 chapters, in english...turning out to be a heavy read, but i have never read Tagore very well, never tried till now...now is the time!

More constructive rambles coming up...